Agency Name UCSC - Office of Admissions
Categories Education
Contact Name Mark Welden-Smith
Agency Email
Agency Address 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Agency Phone 831-459-5544
Web Address
Office Hours 9:00 - 4:00 PM
Distance from Campus Base of Campus - Cookhouse
Nearest Bus Lines All UCSC Bus Lines and UCSC Shuttle
Mission Statement The goal of Taking UCSC Home (TUCSCH) is to empower current UCSC Student to return to their former high school, community college or community during spring break (March 21, 2016 – March 25, 2016) to meet and connect with future UCSC Students. TUCSCH ambassadors share their UCSC experience and showcase majors, programs and resources available at UCSC.
Volunteer Duties Commitment to volunteer as a UCSC Admissions Ambassador during 2016 Spring Break (you will be required to volunteer 2 - 3 hours during your spring break). Attend one mandatory training. Once the presentation is complete, the volunteer is responsible for submitting sign-in sheet and evaluation form.
Notes  Updated 6/29/18